Friday 3 May 2013


Artefact? what is an artefact? I had no idea until I did some research.

I found from my Inquiry that teachers don't really get a lot of help on motivation, so I thought about presenting my work in a way that could possibly help teachers.

I had a look at other BAPP students ideas and decided on a guide for teachers.  I produced 20+ pages and asked a local printer if they could print it in a booklet style. It only cost £7.50 and I bought three, one for submission, one for myself and a spare - in case my school want to use it.

The artefact is a nice way to present your work and is a good way to culminate all the work done throughout the modules.

BAPP - the final hurdle

My journey on the BAPP course is coming to an end.  In the final module I feel I have really engaged with the learning and I have put a lot of effort into each part of the module.  Not only has this course helped with my networking (from module 1) but it has helped with my progression as a teacher.  My Inquiry has helped me in more ways than I had originally thought ! It has helped with my dance teaching, my teaching assistant role and life in general.  I now have the confidence to continue on to gain teacher status to become a secondary school teacher, and feel I have formed a professional network that will benefit me now and in my professional future.  The course has been more demanding than I first anticipated, I had to defer last term and I remember a conversation when I first started the course when I asked if it would be possible to complete the course quicker ! -  I realise how silly that must have sounded now.  I couldn't be happier now with how i have approached this final module and feel prepared for the submission date.  I know that if I had handed in my work last semester 1.there wouldn't be much wouldn't have been to a standard I was happy with.

I hope everyone is getting on well with the work, and are also looking forward to completing BAPP.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Possible Tools

I will consider the following tools for my Inquiry:
observations, questionnaires, interviewing, trialling and focus groups

(wikipedia) Observation is either an activity of a living being, such as a human, consisting of receiving knowledge of the outside world through the senses, or the recording of data using scientific instruments. The term may also refer to any data collected during this activity. An observation can also be the way you look at things or when you look at something.

(wikipedia) questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Although they are often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this is not always the case.

(wikipedia) An interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee.

Trial and error
(wikipedia) Trial and error, or trial by error, is an experimental method of problem solving, repair, tuning, or obtaining knowledge. "Learning doesn't happen from failure itself but rather from analyzing the failure, making a change, and then trying again."

Focus groups
(wikipedia) focus group is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement, idea, or packaging. Questions are asked in an interactive group setting where participants are free to talk with other group members.

Ethics for teachers

As a freelance dance teacher I knew of ethics, but the ethics I personally use are just through general knowledge and experience.  As bad as it sounds I have never looked into ethics, however, I believe that the ethics I use meet requirements.  I know that in a school environment there needs to be a stricter approach and so I looked into a few different codes of professional ethics and found the following two links useful:

This one is very clear and would be similar to one produced by any school

This one, although American, states the different areas of ethics used by teachers, namely:
towards students, practices and performance, professional colleagues, parents and community.

Changes and My Inquiry Direction

I have decided that my focus should be on something that will benefit my career, rather than thinking what may teachers want to know? This should be i want to know? (may also benefit others)
My proposed career is to go into teaching in the education sector, but what differences would there be from my current employment, in dance schools?
I brainstormed my ideas :

The Journey

I have been wondering why this course has been so difficult to get going with (especially this module), but having spoke with Alan the other day it has become much clearer.  I was confused by myself? Why did I find it difficult to get going on this course? It is for a DEGREE! 

Alan explained that this course is something I am not used to.  I am used to being taught...waiting to be taught.  This course is part of a journey, from used to being taught - to teaching myself and eventually, beyond this course, I hope to be the teacher! It is about learning something for yourself and this transformation was hard for me to grasp at first, but now I feel my learning is falling into place.

I hope this helps if any of you have similar feelings, as it has really helped me.